In case you are wondering how this all started, “We Love This Life” is about finding joy in simple things, having fun as a family, enjoying nature, learning, connecting, sharing, and loving this life we have right in front of us.
These days, social media creates the culture that life is the highlight reel, and if you don’t live up to that picture, then you and your life are not good enough. What we are trying to do with our social media, blog, and YouTube channel is to encourage others to not fall into this comparison trap. This mindset shift says that we love THIS life, not your life, not that life, not his life, not her life, THIS life. It’s not about comparison; it’s about embracing the life we have right now right in front of us…and most importantly, the life this one leads to next.
So even when I am posting about Disney, it’s not “Hey, look at what we get to do!” It’s from a totally different place. Instead, this is what we are saying, “Our family is having fun together doing something we all love. We encourage you to find what it is that your family enjoys together, and grasp your life with each other with all your might!”
We invite you to join us on this journey of positivity, encouragement, joy, family, farm life, family travel, family traditions, zaniness, and all-around good and simple things, in spite of the craziness of these times.
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We Love This Life!