You might notice that our last blog post was March 10, 2020. I had great ideas and plans of what to do with this blog, but then The Virus hit. I don’t know anyone who truly realized the extent to which this virus would change our lives, habits, and culture. Shuttered businesses, working and schooling from home, friends out of work, no take-out, no entertainment venues or new TV shows, not to mention the actual sickness and death experienced in many families across the world.
I am very thankful that we still have our jobs, and we were either labelled essential or we could work from home. Technology allowed education and church services to still continue. Then our country changed even further to be the most divisive political climate and polarized society that I can ever remember in my lifetime.
That is when my plans changed for this blog. At first, back in March, I wanted it to simply be a lifestyle and travel blog. We would review some products here and there and try to see where that takes us. But after all of the negativity spread in the world from all directions, I thought that this type of blog may not have a place anymore. It seemed too “simple.” But now I realize that this is exactly what I need! Simplicity…Positivity… Focus on Family Life! Hopefully, you are looking for something similar by being here.
So now my little travel/lifestyle blog will still be those things, but its main focus will be to spread good and positivity, just by being us, by enjoying things as a family, and really focusing on what makes this life beautiful. There is so much ugliness and hatred in the world, and we will NOT entertain those types of comments here. We are not trying to ignore the bad, but we are shifting our focus. Perspective is everything. A positive focus CAN be a catalyst for change. Yelling at people won’t change their minds. We are hoping that by spreading joy, simple goodness, and positivity, we can make a difference.
You also may wonder why a butterfly is our logo. There are several reasons. In books that I have read, butterflies are gentle creatures that have often represented mystical or magical circumstances. They inspire my imagination. Also, they are flying creatures, which somehow symbolizes adventure to me. Their colors are beautiful, and every type of butterfly is intricately different from other types. These differences remind me to celebrate what makes each of us unique. The final reason, and perhaps the most important, is that butterflies represent transformation, resurrection, endurance, change, hope, and life.
With all that is going on in the world, we will endure. We have hope. We see the beauty of transformation. Even when there is bad, we believe God will use it for good. He will transform it into something beautiful. And that is why “We Love This Life!”